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Pricing & Floorplans

Whether you’re looking for a one or two-bedroom home, every apartment home at IMT Valleyheart comes with the space and amenities you need to thrive. Use the filters and map below to find the perfect floorplan and location for your needs.

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*Pricing and availability are subject to change and apply to new residents only. Square footages displayed are approximate. Discounts, if applicable, will be calculated upon lease execution. Minimum lease terms and occupancy guidelines may apply. Deposits may vary based on credit, rental history, income, or other qualifying criteria. Additional fees and taxes may apply and will be disclosed per governing laws and company policies. We affirm that private, identifiable data—such as resident-specific or prospective renter information—is never used to set or influence rental pricing. Instead, pricing is determined solely by publicly available data and market factors. Our models are designed to comply with privacy laws and ethical standards, reflecting our commitment to transparency and fairness in pricing. Rates are calculated independently of any resident or applicant data, focusing solely on market trends, property location, unit availability, and other non-personal factors.

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IMT Residential is a leading nationwide apartment operator with a portfolio that extends through Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. IMT is fully invested in being America’s best apartment operator.

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